Got Virgin prides itself on begin one of the pioneers of the virgin hair industry, helping to make Indian hair popular in the US. With over 30 trips to India, Got Virgin spared no expense to locate the most premium virgin Indian Hair.
For Years, GV has provided unprocessed hair for countless A-List celebrities and some of the worlds top stylist. With little marketing to no marketing, Got Virgin has grown into one of the most reputable sources for raw indian hair.
Got Virgin also has an advantage for the most competitive prices for the quality. If you are looking for the real deal, look no further.
You've got hair but have you Got Virgin?
What It Means To Have Raw Hair...
PURE - Not mixed or adulterated with any other substance or material.
VIRGIN - Not yet touched, used, or exploited.
UNPROCESSED - Unaltered from an original or natural state; not processed